2024年5月6日,我院青年教师吴含与苏黎世联邦理工学院Peter Egger教授、暨南大学产业经济研究院李杰教授合作撰写的论文“Decomposing China's bilateral export growth: A firm-regional-transactions structural gravity approach”在European Economic Review(一类B、SSCI)上发表。该文章是我院研究员在经济学领域顶刊上发表的最新研究成果。
吴含,广东国际战略研究院讲师、云山青年学者。其研究方向为企业异质性、地区出口增长和出口转型升级。现已在European Economic Review、Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization、China Economic Review、World Economy等国际著名期刊发表论文多篇,主持国家自然科学基金青年项目和教育部人文社科青年项目一项。
Peter Egger
This paper undertakes a decomposition of China’s firm-transaction-level exports with an emphasis on aggregates thereof at the prefectural level. Chinese prefectures are large and, relative to some smaller countries, the larger ones are visible players in the world market. We decompose China’s prefecture-product-level bilateral exports to foreign countries into their main components. These are factor costs, market potential (including trade frictions and foreign expenditure) as well as quality and productivity. We consider the latter two as to be drawn from a bivariate Pareto distribution that is specific to prefectures, products, and countries. This strategy enables retrieving fixed market access costs and permits conducting counterfactual experiments with a focus on the distribution across Chinese prefectures.
European Economic Review创刊于1969年,是全欧洲最古老的综合性经济学杂志之一,是经济学领域的理论和实证研究的主要出版物,具有广泛影响力。
本文源于《European Economic Review》。